Saturday, September 24, 2016

Discovering the Way to Walk Out of Fear Part Two Copyright Victoria Lee 2016

Suppose people and obstacles really are basically the same no matter where they find themselves geographically. What could a person do to develop a “No Fear” response to the challenges of life?

Victoria Lee suggests above all they need to believe in themselves by realizing that they have a purpose for being on this earth a reason for living; a part to play in the overall plan of life. They need to believe that they don’t exist just to take up space but to fill a specific position – a place of employment so to speak. Therefore in realizing their worth - their undeniable place in creation - they can expect good things to come their way. When negative things do happen, they realize they are only temporary setbacks - not the end to their dreams.
I wish I could take the hand of every small child and young adult. I would personally show them a quick glance into their future so they could see how incredibly awesome they are. I would help them believe that the world is crying out for their unique gifts and talents that only they can provide.

A few years back, Victoria Lee spoke to a group of young teenagers in a program designated for troubled kids. As she looked over the group, she noticed a young man that had the typical “nerd” image screaming out of him.

It was almost as if she could read his thoughts of insecurity - misfit, unwanted, and undesirable.

That day in class, she used him as an example of what it means to believe a lie about oneself instead of the truth. She wanted to help them understand how valuable each of them is to the world. As she left that day, she knew the students understood themselves somewhat better. The young man presented her with a button that read, “You’re too blessed to be stressed.” He carried that button with him at all times to encourage himself. Somehow after the meeting, Victoria felt the student had a little less need for that button.

For more information please refer:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Discovering the Way to Walk Out of Fear Part One Copyright Victoria Lee 2016

If I could rewrite the seasons of my life, I would choose never to be afraid. Instead, I would embrace the challenges that occur with a sense of wonder and amazement. I spent too many years allowing disappointments and trials to defeat me only to find out decades later the trials had been used as opportunities of growth.

Someone once said the word “fear” stood for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet, for those who are challenged by fear, the adrenaline that runs through their body at that moment feels anything but false.

The good news is after many years of struggling with the debilitating effects of fear, I can tell you that fear really is the equivalent of a speck of sand we build into a giant pyramid in our own minds.

Our mind truly is our battlefield. Very seldom do the things we fear deserve the incredible negative attention we give them.

When I was a small child, my home life was very unstable. As a result, it helped set a pattern of expected defeat in my young mind. My father was an alcoholic and very abusive. My mother was extremely young and naïve; she really wasn’t capable of guiding me through the hurdles of life that terrified me.

To a child, the uncertainties often hide the truth in a situation. We fear the unknown because our past experiences have often proven to be everything we feared. In reality, the fear we exhibited magnetically drew the devastation to us.

Most parents of fearful children are living in a realm of fear themselves. This situation causes the cycle of fear to be repeated from one generation to the next.

If I could pass a bill in Congress, it would be one that requires all school systems to add a program to their curriculum that teaches children how to overcome adversity. The program would teach them how to “look at a glass as half full rather than half empty” or even “how to turn negative thoughts into incredible avenues of growth” -- in other words, a “NO FEAR” class.

The only thing you have to fear is fear itself –the belief in False Evidence Appearing Real.



Monday, September 5, 2016

About Victoria Lee the host of Making It Happen TV

Victoria Lee is an author, inspirational speaker and the host of Making It Happen TV. Her mission is to help others achieve their dreams by encouraging them to tap into the talents that lie within them.
Victoria is a prime example of going from victim to victor in her own life. It's apparent that when a person doesn't know their true value they tend to accept anything offered to them. 

For more information please visit:

Monday, August 29, 2016

Introduction to Victoria Lee Tulsa inspirational speaker of Making It Happen TV

Victoria Lee is an author, inspirational speaker and the host of Making It Happen TV. Her mission is to help others achieve their dreams by encouraging them to tap into the talents that lie within them. As she interviews distinguished and talented people who are making it happen in their own lives, their stories ignite hope in others to pursue their own talents. Some of the interviewed guests include singers, musicians, comedians, authors, actors, entrepreneurs and others. Victoria is convinced that if individuals tap into what their true talents are they will begin to live fruitful lives and we as a society will profit from it.

Victoria is a prime example of going from victim to victor in her own life. It's apparent that when a person doesn't know their true value they tend to accept anything offered to them. Thousands of people worldwide are living lives that bring them no joy, because they haven't allowed themselves to become the person they were created to be. We all have a purpose that far exceeds what we can think or even imagine. It's with a great desire that Victoria wants to help people see who they are from the inside so they can bring it forth on the outside. What's missing in this world is the thousands of people who aren't offering the universe the pleasure of who they are. Let's begin to celebrate you.

For more information about Victoria Lee please refer: